Permissions Managment


Released integrates tightly with your project permission in Jira, removing the burden of setting up additional roles or access controls to draft and publish release notes.


Access types

A Space can be either:

  • Open, everyone with access to the Jira site can view and edit content in the Space.

  • Restricted, only users with access to the linked Jira project(s) can view and edit content in this space, depending on their level of access in the Jira project(s).

Required Jira project permissions

To access a space, users will require Edit issue permission in one of the linked projects.

If multiple projects are linked to a Space and the user only has access to one of them, they will only be able to view issues from projects they have access within the space.

PermissionRequired for

Edit issues

Editing and publishing a post.

Required Jira admin permissions

To install Released and setup the Released Description custom field, certain administrator permissions are required.

PermissionRequired for

Administer projects

Setting up the Released Description custom field.

Jira administrators

Installing the Released App.

Last updated