
Manage your release notes settings

General Settings


Changelog page

Portal name

Customize the name of your portal. Make sure the name is descriptive and clearly identifies what updates you are aiming to communicate. This name is only used internally and doesn't show on the portal or embedded pages or widgets.

Linked projects

Portals are tightly interwoven with Projects. For that reason, each portals must have at least one linked project, but can also be linked to multiple projects.

But linked projects provide more than a simple link to projects. They determine:

  • Access rights to the portals, if restricted (see below)

  • The projects used for filters

  • Which projects the portal will be displayed in

If a project administrator does not have view permission for a previously added project, the project name will be obfuscated.

Delete portal

Deleting this portal will move it to the trash. It will be permanently removed after 30 days.

Jira admins can restore or permanently delete a portal from the trash via the App settings:

  • Click on the global settings (⚙ in the Jira navigation bar) a click on Apps.

  • In the left navigation, find the Released section and click on Trash.

  • To restore a portal, click the Restore icon.

Last updated